
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Seatbelts on!

Inscribing the itinerary.
Is it true that schedules are meant to be broken? I know I’ve certainly experienced my share of grief after making an impressively detailed schedule, only to end up throwing the whole plan out the window after the first few hours. However, despite the difficulty in keeping schedules, I have also found them to be excellent at making sure you at least get something done.

That's why I’ve been at it again. Just last week I realized that I’ve entered upon crunch time. It’s the last few weeks before finals, at least in my personal world of commercial pilot training, and I need to maximize every minute. The checkride, which I hope to be taking in as little as 3 weeks, consists of two equally challenging portions: the oral and the practical. If I satisfy the examiner when he grills me during the oral, then I get to take the flight portion. Provided that goes well, I’ll have a brand-new Temporary Airman’s Certificate.

But I’ve got a lot of prep-work to do so that I’m reasonably sure I’ll pass that checkride. Hence, my new schedule, with its designated study times and topics, as well as all the other things I have to do as a regular person. I must say, it is quite gratifying to look at this neatly penciled work. Having a clear map and knowing what I have to do actually gives me a bit of a rush as I set out to get it all done. I’ve also gotten a bit better at making schedules that are possible to keep—provided I don’t have too much outside interference…

There’s only one thing that I’m a bit bummed about on my schedule. There’s no time to blog. The most exciting time yet is right here, and I have to say goodbye for the next 3 weeks and leave you in the dark?! Well not quite. That’s what Facebook is for; I’ll be posting regular updates (I think you can call it microblogging) and maybe a few snapshots. So you can keep in the loop by checking out Air Mike Airlines on Facebook. I’ll also take notes and then after checkride day I'll do some full blog write-ups.

Alright, are you ready? Seat belts on—here we go!

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