
Thursday, May 22, 2014

On the Horizon

I had the special opportunity to give a short talk this morning to a group of neat high school students at my alma mater, Weimar Academy. The topic: missionary aviation, and how God needs mission pilots. How to take the first step? Well...we are working on setting up a Mission Pilot Ground School class this fall! If we get a minimum number of students to sign up, I'll be teaching it with my recently acquired Advanced Ground Instructor certificate.

The potential is pretty exciting because ground school is just the first step. As soon as I return from my summer job, I will be diving into Flight Instructor training so that not only will I be able to teach these kids about flying, but I will be able to teach them how to fly! So that's the latest and greatest, and I'm looking forward to seeing how this all pans out.

Meanwhile I've got some studying to do to get ready for my own training!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Lesson 5 Load Factors and Props

It's pretty interesting how doing maneuvers in an airplane will increase the amount of weight the wings are effectively having to support. In fact, if you get too happy with your yanking and banking, it is very possible to overstress your airplane. Hmmm, I can already think of other applications for that type of a principle. Perhaps something to do with taking on too much load of anything and getting overstressed? Hope you enjoy this lesson, and yes there are actually more on my Youtube channel, which I will eventually be posting here, one by one. (Just a hint that if you get impatient, you can go and watch the others already).